My New Home for 3 Months

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day 8 - Lugazi... for real.

We are absolutely, positively in our house, FINALLY!! I’m sitting right now in the front room on one of the couch chairs, Jackie and Ashley are, as always, discussing plans about the next couple of days, but mostly for tomorrow. Our day was extremely productive, we got a ton done and we are all very tired. The deal went through on the house. We got it for $500/month with electricity and water. It will end up costing just barely over a dollar a day for everybody to live here the first wave, and under a dollar a day for the second wave. We made three trips from MTA today with bunk-beds, supplies from last year, and all of our luggage. The people that were living in this house have turned out to be some amazing people, so kind and generous and very helpful. Jackie and I planned on cleaning the place when we got here so we got up pretty early to make that happen. When we got here they were ALL over it, cleaning everything, under everything, the sinks, the works. We were so grateful. We offered to help, but we didn’t really get involved with the cleaning. Instead, I began setting up the bunk beds and rearranging all of the rooms to make the beds work the best way possible. I also helped at MTA load a bunch of beds, then I drove to Lugazi with two men that were helping, we were great to talk to. The one I was sitting next to told me that he would love to visit or move to America but that is was only a dream, that was very humbling. The driver was nuts, but a good one. We were swerving, dodging, speeding, etc. I was sort of scared for my life, in which case I prayed my life be spared. We got there pretty quick though, which was nice. When we got there we unloaded the bunks and then my work began. I spent many hours arranging and setting up the beds, it was tiring and by the end I was wiped. Again, the arab family that moved to the boy’s quarters behind the house were so unbelievably helpful to us and made the whole thing happen much quicker. I met some new friends, one of which I really really love already. There names are Edith (18), Achalam (18 & another 13), Achmed (20), Salim (19 son), Laula (12 year old daughter), Wudá (mom), Salina (grandmother), and Zahará (sister of grandma). Edith is my new friend, so sweet, so helpful, and I just love her! She’s 18 and has her head on straight. I asked her who could do a load of my laundry, she mentioned she could do it, I asked her how much and she told me “nothing, for free.” I was absolutely blown away. I couldn’t even handle it. I immediately told her that I couldn’t do it for free because I “needed” to pay her. She asked why I needed to pay her, I told her because I felt like she deserved to work for money. I told her I wanted to hire her for the 11 weeks that I will be here, she agreed. The I said that since she had agreed that I would need to pay her for her work over the next 11 weeks, again, she told me “for free.”

Before all of this had happened with the laundry, I had Edith, and both Achalams (the 2 girls have the same name) in my room. They were just watching me unpack and observing everything. I could tell they thought I had a lot of stuff, which I do, I felt kinda embarrassed because I’m so dang high maintenance. I got the big candy bag out and and handed them some candy to try. They liked it and even kind of laughed because of the difference from their own candy, it was so great. We conversed in there for at least 30 minutes, the last of which was a mini lesson in Luganda. I asked about some key phrases and got them written down. I was told by Deo the other day that I have the best Luganda accent he has EVER heard from a Muzungu (white person), I was pretty happy about that and I’m sure my face was glowing. Quite an accomplishment for only 3 days in the country. I plan on leanring as much as I can so that I can feel like I’m a part of the people.

I’m so happy to be in a house, I can’t even express how good it feels. It’s the closest westernized thing available to us and it just makes me feel less away, less in a 3rd world country, etc. The standards of this house in Lugazi are spectacularly high, probably a good 9.0 out of 10. As far as utah standards, it would be about a 3 out of 10, not too good. But, having lived in New York for 2 years, I know what this type of housing is all about and it’s 100% OK, I’m beyond grateful to be here. I can now unpack my suitcase, hang up some clothes and just have a space for ME!

Later on in the evening while Ashley was gone with Peggy getting light-bulbs and keys made for all of the volunteers, Jackie and I went out and got something to eat. She wasn’t hungry but she came along anyway to give me some company, I really appreciated it. I had matooke (plantain), chipati (tortillas), and an Irish potato with some broth from the meet they prepare, it was pretty good. I liked the chipati that Bill’s niabo (madam) fixed us, it was tortilla style and much better. When I ordered, I guess the waitress understood that we wanted two plates of food, so Jackie accidentally got one, I felt bad, I still need to give her some money for that. On our way back, the most ridiculous things happened to us. It was dark, we had just gotten on the main road, Jackie was talking on the phone. All of the sudden I see Jackie drop like a rock and I freaked! She had fallen in the ditches that line the streets here in Lugazi. Her foot landed in some nasty mud soup that was probably highly contaminated. She scraped up her knee, leg, and arm. When we got a little further, we came to a hill of dirt; I decided I would walk it at an angle, not a good idea. I totally fell on my butt and scraped up my arm as well as getting dirty the nice white shirt I had just put on. I jacked up my wrist too! It has been hurting for the last day or so and I totally landed on it, I hope it’s not bruised and out for the count, I sort of need it.

We sat in the house for about 3 hours tonight just relaxing and planning (that part was mostly JackAsh; Jackie and Ashley…hehe..that’s what I call them when I’m angry at them, it’s so perfect). It felt so nice to just relax and settle in. Now I’m in my new bunk, on the bottom, next to the window, my new place for the next 11 weeks. I hope I sleep well, I need to solidify the contact I made... with myself... ok, I’m tired. I’m so excited to be here, until tomorrow.

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