My New Home for 3 Months

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day 22 - Hope Burns

Today was Seya again, we are about half way done with our projects there, but at this point we are only sending people that are involved with the construction group because we don’t need too many people of there. There is only so much man power on there end that we have to keep our numbers low. We were there from about 9am to 4:30pm, it was a long day to say the least. We had lunch again, it was good as usual. We had potatoes, beans, cabbage, eggplant (which I don’t care for because the texture drives me nuts), rice, pineapple, and passion fruit juice, all for the low price of US$ 1.21 or 2000 shillings. I got totally full and it was all good, except for the eggplant of course. We worked hard today, I was quite busy from laying bricks, breaking and forming bricks, digging holes for posts, and a little chicken chasing on the side.... :-) I feel like we made pretty good progress, I have the feeling we will spend next week there as well, which is fine, I love it there.

I have two new favorite friends up at Seya: Isaac and Coleb. They are the funnest kids there that I’ve met... so far. They are always laughing and having a good time. They were hanging around me a lot today and we played around quite a bit. I chased them down and tickled them a couple of times, they taught me some Luganda, I taught them some Spanish, they were helpful with bringing wheel barrows full of cement (mortar) down to the project sites. I’m drawn to them because they have such amazing spirits, especially Isaac. There is something in his deep brown eyes that speaks innocence and strength at the same time. These kids really truly amaze me.

I got sunburned today, I could really feel it. The sun here is different, I’m not sure why. It’s almost like the sweat and humidity in the air acts as a magnifying glass and just torches your skin. At the same time, I’m on doxycycline which is for malaria, I know that is playing a big part in the burning, but dang. I hope I don’t peel, we’ll see.

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