My New Home for 3 Months

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Day 17 - The Sabbath

We had the opportunity to visit Bill’s church today. He is a pastor here in Lugazi and back home and every once in a while he gives a sermon. We arrived at church at 11am at which point the music began. We were on our feet for 25 straight minutes with no break in the music dancing, clapping, and singing along with the people. I was totally tired after that. I’m so used to our system of worship that it was taxing on me. I love our system where we can just sit down and enjoy the music, prayers, and talks given by the members. The service was very different, very loud, very interesting... I enjoyed it. I love having new experiences as it gives me perspective and makes me grateful for the way our church is set up and who really oversees what goes on. Being a member of the true church changes life entirely. I gives so much comfort and I’m so so grateful for that. So many times in my life I have found myself distraught for one reason or another and it’s so comforting to have the knowledge that I do. It truly allows me to get over my problems so much easier.

As we sat there, kids began to come to us and wanting to hold our hands and sit on our laps. One little boy came over to me about half way through, he was pretty cute. It began with him standing in front of me when we were on our feet and then sitting on my lap when we sat down. The little guy smelled like urine, I knew he had been wearing his pants for a couple of weeks. But he was so cute, smilely, and just wanted to touch my hands and skin, play with my watch, and just be a part of the Muzungi tribe. The guy up in the front speaking thanked us for being here and said that they loved having visitors and that it meant so much to them. I felt good being there, there was a good spirit about the meeting. But at the same time, I was counting my lucky stars that I had been born into the Church of Jesus Christ and knew what the absolute truth was.

Since we decided to attend Bill’s church today, we called Pres. Mugimu yesterday and got permission to have our own sacrament meeting. It was so great. The spirit was strong as I partook and I was so happy to be hear with my friends. Because we didn’t have little cups, we blessed water in a water bottle and then passed it around old school for everyone to take a sip. Jeff gave a talk, we sang 3 hymns and it was just great.

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