My New Home for 3 Months

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day 4 - Mukono

We have finally arrived in Mukono, Uganda, Africa. I am still in a daze, I can’t actually believe that I’m here. I feel like it’s a dream or that I’m actually somewhere familiar, but that’s obviously not the case. We caught our plane this morning at the Schiphol, the plane left a little late. Luckily we made up for time in the air which is common-place and arrived in Entebbe, Africa around 8pm. The plane ride was much better this time around, it went pretty quick actually, maybe because I have already done it once this trip, but in all reality the plane was nicer. The service was great, I watched a movie, had 2 or 3 diet cokes, was served lunch and dinner. The seats reclined just enough more than the last the last plane that I could actually lay my head back and I ended up sleeping for a good 3 hours, to my surprise. We arrived in Entebbe and the first thing I was greeted by was the warm and very humid air. It was very weird, something I’ve only felt in certain places like Hawaii and New York, but this is much worse. The next friendly greeting was from all of the flying bugs littering the sky just above my head because of all of the lights that shined down to give light to us walking off the plane, down a staircase. We waited outside until Jackie’s host family from 5 years ago picked us up. While waiting I used the restroom and took out 100,000 shilling... though i’m not sure what that equates to in US Dollars. Jackie did it so I followed suit.

The car ride from Entebbe to Mukono was anything but nice. They had planned on 2 of us, but there were three. So we crammed four of us, us 3 and one of the kids in the back seat, the lady and the son sat in front and the father drove. The worst part about the ride was the horrible air that filled the cabin as we drove from the airport into town. It was about a 40 minutes car ride if I remember right, and the whole time I was breathing the nasty air. It was part smoke from fires, part exhaust from all of the motor vehicles, and part stench from the the humidity mixed with people and animals, not the most desirable. But, the experience was worth it and I'm glad I had it.

I found out this guy is the acting mayor of Mukono and he also holds another important responsibility that I don’t recall. He is very kind and giving. The mother (one of two, he’s a polygamist) fixed us a great meal. Some sort of mixture with peas in it and a type of gravy-like sauce, with boiled skinned potatoes. The best part was the passion fruit juice that was served, unreal, too good to be true, the REAL deal. I enjoyed the dinner and was very grateful. I hope that I can eat well enough that my intestines will behave.

I found my first gecko tonight, in my room even. He was SUPER cool. I went to get a picture of him but he jumped of my finger. There will be more and I’ll get a great picture. Jackie and Ashley did some planning this evening so that we can make tomorrow as effective as possible. Our first priority is to get sim cards for the phones and get some housing. Once we get housing, we’ll really be able to move forward.

Now here I am, sitting on my bed for the night under a mosquito net. The place is actually really nice considering what’s around us (mud huts). We found out tonight the water doesn’t work, which for Ashley, doesn’t seem to be a problem. She’s kind of granola, ok, she’s TOTALLY granola. Mom would yap at me if I didn’t shower, I’m glad she does. I think it’s totally gross and very unflattering to NOT shower. Anyway, enough of that. It’s hot, very hot. Humid and hot. I’m not sure how I’m going to sleep tonight. This is the worst possible situation to be in as far as sleep conditions go. I like the cold, I don’t do hot, I CAN’T sleep in hot. I’m wondering what exactly I’m going to do. Jackie is in the other room sweating her guts out as well. Meanwhile Ashley is in her room loving it...whatever.

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