My New Home for 3 Months

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Day 13 - New Arrivals

Today was great fun. I’m very tired at this point and don’t know how much is going to come out the end of my fingers and if it’s going to be good grammar or what have you. I should have written in it earlier, it’s going to be much harder to keep a journal with all sorts of people around all the time.

I room now with 5 guys. Initially I was in the big room, on the bottom bunk on one of two bunks. I had my new little home for the next 10 weeks and I was so excited about it. I felt at home, I felt like I had my own little place, I could even get a good nights sleep because I felt comfortable! When the volunteers arrived, I got jerked from my wonderful place and moved to the room that housed 5, just perfect for the 5 guys. While I was willing to do whatever, I was upset about having to make the move. Jen said that we could NOT have co-ed rooms, I was bummed. It would have been so much fun to mingle with the ladies, laugh all night, and just have a good time. Although, I do understand that it’s much more convenient for both sides to have their own gender rooms. Now I’m sitting in my new bed, again on the bottom bunk. I'm back at home, I’ve made it MY place again, so all is well.

We got up early this morning, at least, earlier than I have been getting up. We had a nice breakfast composed of pineapple, mango, bananas, and toast with ghetto margarine and orange marmalade stuff. It was all great, I loved it all. I began to prepare but then a spot opened up for me in the bathroom to take a nice warm shower, or rather spray off. I had to cease the opportunity, so Natalie and someone else took over for me. We began the day with breakfast followed by a quick orientation meeting in the front room. Many were tired, but also very anxious to get out and see the town. Today was all about going out and seeing the town, getting to know where things are, and just getting comfortable. Jackie, Ashley, and I each took a small group and went to certain locations from a list that Jackie made. It was fun to show them around, take them on boda bodas, and just have a good time. We met all together for lunch at Patron Hotel, I had matooke and beans, it was OK. The waitress was a bit slow, missing my order entirely, part of another, and not giving all of our change back, I was flustered.

The rest of the day was used to gather supplies for our project tomorrow, check e-mail, get unpacked and a little more organized, as well as taking a nap which was very well received. After my nap Tori, Natalie, Rylee and I all went out to get some nails and chicken wire for the projects tomorrow. We stopped and checked our e-mail, I had one from Andi, Mom, and Millie. It was so good to hear from them. They didn’t mention anything about my pictures, I hope they got to see them. I want to hear their reactions etc.

The highlight of the night however was the initiation into the tribe of Muzungi. Jackie and Ashley had been planning something and were really excited about it. I was so curious to know what they had in store for us. I was nervous they were going to have us eat some cockroaches or something, luckily, that was not the case. It began inside of the house in the living area. The lights were shut off. Jackie stood in front of us and explained what we were to do. We were each given a candle to be lit by them both of them as we walked outside and down the front steps. After the candles were lit, we were instructed to go and sit down in the circle of chairs that had been created. After all had sat down in the circle, candles lit, Jackie and Ashley came over and began so speak. They first instructed us on how we were to be introduced into the tribe Muzungi which was by reading and filling in the blanks of a script they had written on a large poster size piece of paper. My turn came, at this point everybody was busting up because the whole thing felt like some big cult movement and I new there were people outside the walls of our home that were thinking, “Who are these people!?” As soon as everyone had been partly iniciated, they told us the final part of the initiation; I was fully taken by surprise.

The whole thing was caught on tape and I plan to add the video to this journal entry, that way all that I have said can be seen.

Edith brought out two chickens, everybody started freaking out, literally. The girls were screaming, they couldn’t even handle it. I was a bit on the edge of my seat because here I am thinking “initiation” and seeing that we were about to slaughter and eat some chickens. I wasn’t quite sure what to think at first, it was weird! But then I realized, “this is perfect.” We are only doing exactly what the locals do, and everybody other rural country in the world. If they want chicken, they grow it and then slaughter it! So we proceeded. Jeff and Dan, the two Canadian guys, each took knives an beheaded the chickens. Unfortunately for the chickens, the knives were anything but sharp. That was the only part of the whole thing that freaked me out. After they were beheaded, I got in there and helped pluck one of the chickens. A trick they use to loosen up the feathers is soaking the whole thing in hot water. It took about 10-15 minutes to pluck the chicken thoroughly and get it ready for gutting. I helped a little with cutting up the chicken into different pieces. Part of the deal with slaughtering the chickens was that we had to eat them. So the Achalam, the older one, brought out the charcoal stove from behind. They proceeded to marinade the chicken in salt and lemon and through it on the cooker. It took quite a long time to cook, I was surprised. The meat was rather chewy and there wasn’t much of it, these pour chickens here are pretty skinny, as they don’t get much to eat. I’m not sure what they normally eat though, there is so much vegetation they shouldn’t be as skinny as they are.

The whole experience was good, even though at first I was like, “what the freak is going on.” It sort of broke us all in a little bit and prepared us for the weirdness that goes on here in Africa. It was great to hang out and be friends with everybody. Until tomorrow.

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