My New Home for 3 Months

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day 77 - Last Day in Lugazi

Well, I’m gone. Here I sit in a hotel room in Gulu and it’s over except for the few day that lie ahead of business training and planting trees. I will most likely never return to Lugazi, or Uganda for that matter, but I can’t promise that. Who know where life will take me, what plan the Lord has in store for me. One thing I know is that my time here has been worth every second. I know that I accomplished so much and it feels so good. I was worried in the beginning and even wrote in this journal about how I had to make sure I did well what I came here to do so that I would feel good about it later on. I can say with pride that I DO feel like I did what I came here to do and it feels great. Although it’s been slightly hard to see the effects of my doings along the way, I’ve been assured by Jackie and Ashley as well as those around me that I certainly have contributed, what a great feeling. Most importantly, I created relationships with certain people that I will never forget! Salima, Irene, David, Christine, Wilson, Isaac, all people that I will never forget and am so grateful that I was able to meet. They taught me so much about life in Uganda and the ability of theirs to make the best of it and be happy. As I’ve explained before, this is their life and it always has been. We cannot compare our own and automatically assume that their lives are so much worse off than ours or something like that, it’s just not true. These people are genuinely happy and I can see it in their eyes. They work for what they have and they are happy. I’ve learned so much from them, hopefully something that I can take home with me.

I’ve just completed the second and final draft of my lesson plan for tomorrow, I think it will be pretty good, I feel confident about it. Now my eyes are beginning to shut and I must go to bed. Until tomorrow, my first real day in Gulu.

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