My New Home for 3 Months

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day 75 - Life

Today was the beginning of a new life, a life OFF the ARV medication that I’m supposed to be taking. I tried, I really did, to stay on the medication and be cautious about contracting HIV, but unfortunately I just can’t do it anymore and it’s now been 2 days since I’ve taken the medication and I feel SO much better inside. The last many days have taken a huge tole on my well-being and now that I’m off the meds I really do feel so much better. I’m still trying to regain my appetite but it’s slowly coming back. I’m confident that with the 0.3% chance of getting infected with HIV from a needle stick, the fact that Teo was negative, and that I got an amazing blessing from DJ and Jeff... I’m very confident.

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