My New Home for 3 Months

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 49 - Clinically Not Happening

We started our day out today at the clinics... not the most effective use of our time thus far. The hospital doesn’t quite know how to receive us, they don’t know exactly what to have us do. I’m the only one in the group with medical certification which qualifies me to do a lot of things others can’t and it’s kind of hard because I want everybody to feel like they can actually do something. I talked to the head nurse there at Kawolo Hospital, Sis. Keri (sp?) and told her the predicament. She informed me that she would have a meeting with the different ward leaders and come up with a better plan for us. We really have the desire to help but it’s really hard to help when they don’t tell you what exactly to do. Hopefully I will be getting a call in the near future with a plan.

I stopped at my favorite chapati maker at the end of Stanbic road. I call it Stanbic road because the Stanbic bank is on it and I don’t know what to call it otherwise. He’s the fourth guy on the left as you walk down the street that turns off of Stanbic. He really knows how to make a good chapati. He used plenty of oil and he rolls the dough out larger than most do. They are still 200 shillings each and taste amazing. I usually get 2 or 3 at a time, they are THAT good. It basically a glorified tortilla. I’m going to be communicating with the lady behind us to get the recipe for chapati so that I can make it when I get home.

I came to the house and had some lunch which included the chapati I just purchased. I also cut up the pineapple I bought yesterday, it was a bit ripe for my liking but still good. I’ve got two mangos I’ll have to cut up in the morning, I’m a bit excited for those to touch my tongue.

Jackie asked me earlier if she could borrow my computer for a teacher training at St. Edward's Primary School. She mentioned that both of the PCs were freezing up... no surprise there. Of course I consented. She later called and told me that they didn’t have time to get the projector or the sheet (for a screen). I gathered it all up and Lindsi and I hopped on some bodas and got over there fairly quickly. I love not having to walk everywhere all the time, I already did that for 2 years and I’m pretty sure I could do without for a while. We got there before everybody else did, I was surprised. The rest arrived and we got everything set up, I was glad that I had a functioning computer and the time to help them out. The training went well and everything worked as it should. I got extremely tired for some reason and even fell asleep for a couple of seconds. Unfortunately, it was right when I was needed to go to the next slide. I was laughed at and I laughed at myself to make myself feel better.

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