My New Home for 3 Months

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 34 - A Day at Home

Today was more of a relaxing day, something that I don’t mind every once in a while. Though our weekend are supposed to be our relaxing down time, it doesn’t hurt to have a less busy day once a month.

I was in the house all day, did set a foot out the door. I’m exactly proud of this, just stating the facts. I woke up around 8:15am this morning and had some breakfast. Toast with PB&J, a banana, and 3 eggs overhard. Everybody was jealous over my eggs and couldn’t believe I had prepared something so amazing; I was rather amused. I ended up sharing a bite with Jackie and Rylee, they couldn’t keep their eyes off of it. I spent lot of time on the computer doing things for HELP as well as personal things including pictures.

I told Jackie I would help her import her video and teach her how to do some simple editing. We sat down for a little over an hour and I taught her some basics, enough for her to do what she needs to accomplish her goal for making a video. She has a an awesome idea/goal of interviewing kids and then showing it somewhere. I don’t know the whole idea, but it’s going to be very cool. It’s a lot of fun to have her camera on this trip, it’s HD and pretty nice. She told me I could use it whenever so I might just have to take her up on that offer.

I uploaded my pictures two nights ago, I’m not sure if I mentioned that. I love my new pictures, they are so great. I have the one of the three boys on my desktop right now, they are so precious. I love my camera, it’s such a blessing to have. It all started with my Mom and Dad giving me my first REAL camera when I got off my mission. It was for my birthday, I was absolutely ecstatic. That opened up such a big door for me and I have improved immensely over the years. As of right now I have 795 pictures taken, that’s about 23 per day, not bad. I’m pretty excited to have so many pictures already, I hope to leave with AT LEAST 2000, but I like more like 3000. That’s not too many for a place you may never visit again.

I got a little sick today, my intestines have been whacked out for about a week now. I’m pretty sure it’s the doxycycline wiping out the probiotics in my large intestine. Luckily, I figured this would happen before I came and came prepared. We bought some probiotic supplements that I should have been taking everyday up to this point while I’ve been on doxy. I hope it will solve the problem, I need it to, it must.

Well, I feel well rested, I’m ready to kick butt tomorrow and the coming weeks. We are going back to Equator Primary School tomorrow at 3pm to fill in the foundation we made for the Simba Stove, we are pretty excited. On Friday we will return to True Light Primary School and fill in that foundation. These stoves are going to benefit these people so much!! I’m so excited to be able to help them and in some way improve their lives.

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