My New Home for 3 Months

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 36 - Uganda vs Niger

One crazy day it was today, oh my gosh, let me just tell you. Jackie decided she HAD to go to this qualifying soccer game at Mandela Stadium near Kampala. She invited us all to go and of course we were all interested, how could we afford to miss a game where two teams would play to see if they go to the World Cup in 2010? I’ve never been to a soccer game, a REAL soccer game, so it was a good experience. I’m still not sold on the sport itself, I doesn’t really catch my interest, but it was still fun to be with everybody and just hang on. The place was absolutely full of people and it was a little crazy, a little scary. There was pick-pocketing like crazy there and at least half of us experienced it. Jeff actually got his wallet stolen out of his side pocket on his pants that was zipped up. There was 25,000 shillings inside, or about $15, so not too bad but it still happened. Jackie got seriously attacked in the same crowd. This crowd was at the top of the stairs that we came down to sit in our seats. I’m assuming their purpose was to create enough ruckus to pickpocket. They got their hands in every single pocket possible of Jackie’s pants, she couldn’t get their hands off of her and she was freaking out. Luckily she didn’t have anything stolen and she got out alright. I was sitting in my seat with my backpack at my feet and my friends all around. I happened to look down at one point and there was a kid in front of me on a chair. His hand was reaching back, had already unzipped and was getting inside a little pocket on the waste belt of my backpack. There were about 3000 shillings in there. I ripped his hand our of there so fast and shoved it away and then proceeded to shoo him away telling him not to do that. He acted like nothing had even happened and slowly, very slowly walked away. I was in awe. I’ve noticed a pattern already with pick-pocketers. When they commit the act and you catch them, they act like nothing every happened and will even continue to stand where they are, it’s unreal. I guess the reason is because they don’t want to create a seen and get slammed by the people around them. It just goes to show what does on here more than in most places.

The game wasn’t too long, luckily, just long enough to experience. We got up when the game ended, I had my backpack on backwards, on my chest in other words. I wasn’t going to let anybody jack my stuff. We made it out OK, got in the Taxi and made our way to Coleen Motel in Mukono. We had dinner there, it wasn’t too bad, I was quite impressed. I had pizza of course, the safest thing on the menu. Others had curry chicken, pasta of sorts, and burgers. I was satisfied. Before my meal came my Mom and others called me on the phone, it was great to talk to them. It’s always a treat to talk to my family, they’re the best and I miss them like crazy.

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